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Our Catholic Identity: REVIEW Part 2 and Chapter 9

Writer: shbentley639shbentley639

Updated: Feb 10, 2023


PART TWO: REVIEW We Celebrate Our Catholic Faith: Page 87. Updated February 10, 2023

PART TWO: The Sacraments of Healing Chapter 8 (Updated January 30, 2023) pages 71-77


In what ways do the Sacraments of Penance and Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick celebrate Christ’s healing work among us?

These two sacraments continue the healing work of Jesus in our whole being: our minds, our bodies, our hearts, our souls. Through the healing power of the Holy Spirit in us, we turn away from sin and doubt and turn toward God with TRUST, HOPE, and CONFIDENCE in the goodness and LOVE of God in our lives.

In what ways do the Sacraments of Healing help us share in the Paschal Mystery?

These two Sacraments of healing continue the healing work Jesus did through the Paschal Mystery, where Jesus passed over from suffering and death to eternal life with our Father. We too, through God’s MERCY and the power of the Holy Spirit can be forgiven and healed in mind, body and soul. We can pass over from a life of sin and death to an eternal, holy life with the Holy Trinity in God’s Heavenly Kingdom.

Conversion is turning away from sin and turning toward God. Give an example of your experience with conversion

Sometimes it’s easier to say that the other person is to blame when we experience conflict. When we ask God for His help to resolve a conflict, the Holy Spirit helps us to see our own sin, what we have done to contribute to the conflict.

The Bible says:

If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just and will forgives us and cleanse us of every wrongdoing. 1John 1:9.

I have found when I humbly admit to my part in the conflict and ask for forgiveness and forgive the other with God’s help, God forgives me and brings healing to my soul!


¿De qué manera los Sacramentos de la Penitencia y la Reconciliación y la Unción de los Enfermos celebran la obra sanadora de Cristo entre nosotros?

Estos dos sacramentos continúan la obra sanadora de Jesús en todo nuestro ser: nuestra mente, nuestro cuerpo, nuestro corazón, nuestra alma. A través del poder sanador del Espíritu Santo en nosotros, nos alejamos del pecado y la duda y nos volvemos hacia Dios con CONFIANZA, ESPERANZA y CONFIANZA en la bondad y el AMOR de Dios en nuestras vidas.

¿De qué manera los Sacramentos de Curación nos ayudan a compartir el Misterio Pascual?

Estos dos Sacramentos de sanación continúan la obra de sanación que hizo Jesús a través del Misterio Pascual, donde Jesús pasó del sufrimiento y la muerte a la vida eterna con nuestro Padre. Nosotros también, por la MISERICORDIA de Dios y el poder del Espíritu Santo podemos ser perdonados y sanados en mente, cuerpo y alma. Podemos pasar de una vida de pecado y muerte a una vida eterna y santa con la Santísima Trinidad en el Reino Celestial de Dios.

La conversión es alejarse del pecado y volverse hacia Dios. Da un ejemplo de tu experiencia con la conversión

A veces es más fácil decir que la otra persona tiene la culpa cuando experimentamos un conflicto. Cuando le pedimos a Dios Su ayuda para resolver un conflicto, el Espíritu Santo nos ayuda a ver nuestro propio pecado, lo que hemos hecho para contribuir al conflicto.


The Sacraments of Healing:

Penance and Reconciliation (Heals our Souls)

Sin is choosing to do something that takes us away from God and His Family.

Sin is disobeying God’s Commandments: Loving God and Loving Others: the Ten Commandments.

There are two kinds of SIN

Venial sins weaken our friendship with God, e.g. keeping a messy room

Mortal sins destroy our relationship with God: e.g. disrespecting our elders

Sin harms others and ourselves.

This Sacrament helps us clear away what sin does to our lives through God’s mercy

and forgiveness. We TRUST in his loving forgiveness and we are then able to

forgive others. Luke 17:4

The Holy Spirit invites us to CONVERSION to turn away from SIN and to turn toward

GOD. The Holy Spirit invites us to TRUST in God’s mercy and be reconciled, be united

with God and His Family again.

Rite of Penance

TWO ways to celebrate this: individually with a priest or in communion with others

in a Penance Service near Christmas and Easter.

Review Steps to the celebration of this Rite (page 73)

Contrition: sorrow for sin, sincerely accept Holy Spirit’s invitation to change

Confession: admitting your sin to God through the Priest

Act of Penance: receiving what God tells us through the Priest to change our ways

Absolution: we receive God’s forgiveness and take seriously the Paschal

Mystery where Jesus suffered and died in our place that we might

be given a new life with Him in His Kingdom.

Satisfaction experiencing the deep healing and happiness that comes from

receiving God’s forgiveness and healing and the renewed strength

to live a changed life, closer to God.

Anointing of the Sick (Heals our bodies)

We are troubled by suffering, illness, and death that tempts us to doubt or even deny

our FAITH and TRUST in God.

This Sacrament helps us strengthen our FAITH and HOPE in God’s loving Presence in

our lives.

Liturgy of the Anointing

(The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation may be offered BEFORE the

Liturgy of the Word)

The WORD of God is proclaimed

Priest anoints the forehead and hands of the sick person and prays:

May the Lord who frees you from sin, save you and raise you up (Pastoral Care

of the Sick)

The Sacrament of Holy Communion may be offered.

The Priest concludes with May the God of all consolation bless you I every way

and grant you hope all the days of your life (Pastoral Care of the Sick)

God’s Ministry of Healing in Sacred Scripture


Jesus reached out to sinners and invited them to accept the loving forgiveness of the

Father and to sin no more.

John 8:1-11. The Woman Caught in Adultery (Mortal Sin)

Luke 15:1-7: Parable of the Lost Sheep

Luke 15:8-10.. Parable of the Lost Coin

Jesus has told us that it brings God great joy when even one sinner accepts his mercy

and returns. Luke 15:10

The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation (CONFESSION) continues the divine

work of Jesus who gave his life for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus gave his Apostles the

authority to forgive the sins of others in His Name through the power of the Holy Spirit.

John 20: 22-23.


Matthew’s Gospel tells us Jesus began his healing ministry in Galilee by revealing his

Father’s love for them by healing them. Matthew 4:23.

The MIRACLES of healing in Scripture invite us to greater faith and trust in God’s love

and mercy always at work in God’s people.

Matthew 8:5-8, 13 Healing of the Centurion’s Servant

We follow the Centurion’s example of FAITH weekly in the Mass:

“Lord I am not worthy to come under your roof, but only say the word and my soul will

be healed.”


Jesus sent out his first disciples to “cure the sick”. Matthew 10:8

After his Resurrection and before his Ascension, he clearly outline OUR MISSION:

He said to them: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.

Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved:….These signs will accompany those

who believe in my name….They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Mark



In what ways do the Sacraments of Penance and Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick celebrate Christ’s healing work among us?

These two sacraments continue the healing work of Jesus in our whole being: our minds, our bodies, our hearts, our souls. Through the healing power of the Holy Spirit in us, we turn away from sin and doubt and turn toward God with TRUST, HOPE, and CONFIDENCE in the goodness and LOVE of God in our lives.

In what ways do the Sacraments of Healing help us share in the Paschal Mystery?

These two Sacraments of healing continue the healing work Jesus did through the Paschal Mystery, where Jesus passed over from suffering and death to eternal life with our Father. We too, through God’s MERCY and the power of the Holy Spirit can be forgiven and healed in mind, body and soul. We can pass over from a life of sin and death to an eternal, holy life with the Holy Trinity in God’s Heavenly Kingdom.

Conversion is turning away from sin and turning toward God. Give an example of your experience with conversion

Sometimes it’s easier to say that the other person is to blame when we experience conflict. When we ask God for His help to resolve a conflict, the Holy Spirit helps us to see our own sin, what we have done to contribute to the conflict.

The Bible says:

If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just and will forgives us and cleanse us of every wrongdoing. 1John 1:9.

I have found when I humbly admit to my part in the conflict and ask for forgiveness and forgive the other with God’s help, God forgives me and brings healing to my soul!

PART TWO: The Liturgy of the Church Chapter 6. Updated: January 21, 2023

Watch these videos BEFORE your Zoom session @ 6:00 PM! Mire estos videos antes de su sesión de zoom esta noche

See pages 152-153 for the answers to the crossword puzzle

¡Vea las páginas 152-153 para las respuestas del crucigrama!

Sample from one of our families



How would you describe a Sacrament?

A visible sign of God’s grace of divine life

The Sacrament transforms us deep inside our souls by the Power of the Holy Spirit.

How do signs and symbolic actions help us celebrate the Sacraments?

They help point us to the saving, healing LOVE of God transforming us from the inside out.

This unites us with our loving God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) AND others.

Name the seasons of the Church’s year. How does each call you to change and grow in your faith? (Your answers will be from YOUR heart!)

The seasons of the Church's year of worship are: ADVENT, CHRISTMAS, LENT EASTER TRIDUUM, and EASTER. The other weeks of the year are called Ordinary Time.

ADVENT: color purple. Prepares us to receive Jesus more and more deeply in our hearts as we remember His birth at Christmas and look forward to his coming again as Lord of ALL.

LENT: color purple. We prepare our hearts by remembering and experiencing what Jesus did for us by being the Lamb of God who took away our sins that we may live a new life in God’s Kingdom now and forever.

EASTER: color white/gold: God’s Resurrection gives us hope and courage to live our lives with God guiding us.

EASTER TRIDUUM: the three greatest days of Holy Week and the most important days of the Church's liturgical year.: Holy Thursday (white color), Good Friday (red color), and the Easter Vigil (white color). We remember what Jesus went through: suffering, dying, being raised from the dead and our own dying and rising to new life in Baptism. (Triduum means "three days.)

ORDINARY TIME: color green: We learn and grow during this time by following what Jesus did and how he taught his disciples how to carry on his mission with the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Church's year of worship also has many important feasts. These feasts celebrate our life as Christians. Some of the important feasts are:

Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Mary, the Holy Mother of God

All Saints

Pentecost Sunday

Ascension of the Lord

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

NUESTRA IDENTIDAD CATÓLICA. (Libro de trabajo morado)

SEGUNDA PARTE: La Liturgia de la Iglesia Capítulo 6


¿Cómo describirías un Sacramento?

Un signo visible de la gracia de Dios de la vida divina

El Sacramento nos transforma en lo profundo de nuestras almas por el Poder del Espíritu Santo.

¿Cómo nos ayudan los signos y las acciones simbólicas a celebrar los Sacramentos?

Nos ayudan a señalarnos el AMOR salvador y sanador de Dios que nos transforma de adentro hacia afuera.

Esto nos une con nuestro amoroso Dios (Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo) Y con los demás.

Nombre las estaciones del año de la Iglesia. ¿Cómo te llama cada uno a cambiar y crecer en tu fe? (¡Tus respuestas serán de TU corazón!)

Ejemplo: Las estaciones del año de culto de la Iglesia son: ADVIENTO, NAVIDAD, CUARESMA, TRIDUO PASCUAL y PASCUA. Las otras semanas del año se llaman Tiempo Ordinario.

ADVIENTO: color violeta. Nos prepara para recibir a Jesús cada vez más profundamente en nuestros corazones al recordar Su nacimiento en Navidad y esperar su venida nuevamente como Señor de TODOS.

CUARESMA: color morado. Preparamos nuestros corazones recordando y experimentando lo que Jesús hizo por nosotros al ser el Cordero de Dios que quitó nuestros pecados para que podamos vivir una vida nueva en el Reino de Dios ahora y para siempre.

PASCUA: color blanco/oro: La Resurrección de Dios nos da esperanza y coraje para vivir nuestras vidas con Dios guiándonos.

TRIDUO PASCUAL: los tres días mayores de la Semana Santa y los días más importantes del año litúrgico de la Iglesia: Jueves Santo (color blanco), Viernes Santo (color rojo) y Vigilia Pascual (color blanco). Recordamos lo que pasó Jesús: sufrir, morir, resucitar de entre los muertos y nuestro propio morir y resucitar a una nueva vida en el Bautismo. (Triduo significa "tres días").

TIEMPO ORDINARIO: color verde: Aprendemos y crecemos durante este tiempo siguiendo lo que Jesús hizo y cómo enseñó a sus discípulos cómo llevar a cabo su misión con el poder del Espíritu Santo.

El año de adoración de la Iglesia también tiene muchas fiestas importantes. Estas fiestas celebran nuestra vida como cristianos. Algunas de las fiestas importantes son:

Inmaculada Concepción de la Santísima Virgen María

María, la Santa Madre de Dios

Todos los santos

Domingo de Pentecostés

Ascensión del Señor

Asunción de la Santísima Virgen María.



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