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Mass Preparation: Sunday, January 15, 2023

Writer: shbentley639shbentley639

Updated: Jan 15, 2023

Here is a short video for the children to enjoy on God's WORD from John 1: 29-34: Jesus IS the Lamb of God.

Aquí hay un video corto para que los niños disfruten de la PALABRA de Dios de Juan 1: 29-34: Jesús ES el Cordero de Dios.

Here is a video reflection from the USCCB website for ALL to ponder as we, as faithful followers of Christ, are called, as John the Baptist was to point out Jesus, as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the World to others.

Here is Bishop Barron's reflection on Jesus as The Lamb of God

Here are the readings and quiz to help you hear what God is saying in the Mass

Aquí están las lecturas y el cuestionario para escuchar lo que Dios está diciendo en la Misa.

Here are special resources for our younger children:

Aquí hay recursos especiales para nuestros niños más pequeños.

Here is the St. Francis Bulletin with the readings AND meditation for youth, parents and godparents:

Aquí está el Boletín de San Francisco con las lecturas Y la meditación para jóvenes, padres y padrinos:

  1. LISTEN to what God is saying to you throughout the Mass.

  2. OBSERVE what is happening at the altar as the Priest prays.

  3. TAKE NOTES in your JOURNAL/Draw what you hear and see in your heart.

  4. Have the Deacon sign your notes for this Sunday, January 15, 2023

  5. Share what you learned as a FAMILY!!!

  1. ESCUCHA lo que Dios te está diciendo a lo largo de la Misa.

  2. OBSERVA lo que sucede en el altar mientras el Sacerdote reza.

  3. TOMA NOTAS en tu DIARIO/Dibuja lo que escuchas y ves en tu corazón.

  4. Haga que el diácono firme sus notas para este domingo 15 de enero de 2023

  5. Comparte lo que aprendiste en FAMILIA!!!



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