Welcome Beloved Families and Sponsors!
We look forward to seeing ALL of you at 3:30 on Saturday, November 30 at St. Francis of Assisi where your children and youth will be received into the Order of Catechumens at the 4:00PM Mass.
In the months to come, we will ALL be supporting our Catechumens as they learn and practice living an amazing WAY of LIFE with Jesus Christ.
They will also prepare to receive the three Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist.
BEFORE you come to the Mass:
Please go over the Combined Rite Liturgy (that we gave you last week) with your child/youth.
Practice what will be asked and how the children/youth will respond as CATECHUMENS in the Opening Dialogue.
Please review the MASS GUIDE: Receiving Jesus especially the Liturgy of the Word pages 23-27.
Please review the Readings, especially the GOSPEL Reading and Reflection in the Liturgy of the WORD below
Prayerfully practice the Signing of the Senses with the Cross and how this sacred signing will help the Catechumens: e.g. Receive the sign of the cross on your forehead as a sign of your new way of life as a Catechumens. It is Christ himself who now strengthens you with this sign of his LOVE. Learn to know him and follow him.
Continue practicing the signing and meaning with ears, eyes, lips, heart, shoulders, hands, feet......
When you arrive, please sit in the pews on the RIGHT side as you face the altar as close to the front as possible.

Mass Prep for younger children
We'll have hard copies ready for Kevin and Joshua!
Mass Preparation for older youth, parents, and sponsors: