We all desire to be in healthy community with others where:
leaders are truly empowering and invest their energy in the personal growth of each family member;
everyone, regardless of age, is serving according to their God-given gifts and helping others to release their God-given potential as well;
there is a spiritual atmosphere that is characterized by authentic passion;
there are effective structures that are not seen as ends in themselves but are constantly adapted to the needs of the people;
worship gatherings engage and inspire participants of all ages;
everyone feels they belong and the heads, hands, and hearts of all are nurtured;
outreach initiatives compassionately address the areas where people in the surrounding community are in most need; and, last but not least,
everyone believes in and is learning to show steadfast LOVE for God and one another.
Our North County Outreach leadership team is committed to growing healthy family/community environments that reflect the Body of Christ that God intended.
We encourage family groups where even two or three of all ages are gathered for the kind of mutual nurture and growing described above.
We encourage families to live out these qualities of a healthy, growing family/community that naturally expand to extended families from generation to generation.
We seek to leave a sustainable legacy for empowering leadership and growing healthy communities.
As a living example, we are developing a dynamic Family Catechesis curriculum where whole families can experience intentional faith formation together. Parents, grandparents, and older siblings who are living their faith are extraordinary role models for infants, toddlers, and young children.
See our lessons in Spanish and English: https://www.northcountyoutreach.org/post/pentecost-sunday