1. Excerpt from: Ken Blanchard, Jane Ripley & Eunice Parisi-Carew. “Collaboration Begins with You.” iBooks, http://books.apple.com/us/book/collaboration-begins- with-you/id997088174
Regardless of your role, you can make a difference in helping create a culture of collaboration within your team, family or community. The following are attitudes and actions that build a collaborative environment.
The HEART Domain of Collaboration
Utilize Differences
Be a role model.
Acknowledge to yourself and others that you don’t have all the answers.
Embrace new approaches; seek and value unique perspectives.
Actively seek opinions from a variety of sources.
Reach out for input from other successful teams, families, communities
Engage a variety of people in discussions.
Encourage introverts who may be uncomfortable speaking out.
Make sure every voice is heard, regardless of title or role.
Ask questions and praise candid answers.
Remember: diverse perspectives lead to innovation and decisions for the greater good.
Promote the idea that disagreement is constructive.
Encourage debate around issues; support differing viewpoints.
Take a facilitator role if difficulties arise; seek to understand concerns behind each stated position.
Get training and train others in giving/receiving feedback and in conflict resolution.
Airing of different perspectives with the whole team can ultimately build trusting relationships.
Nurture Safety and Trust
Be a role model.
Share knowledge freely to model what you expect of others.
Encourage others to speak freely without fear of judgment.
Welcome all ideas and consider them before decisions are made.
Give and receive feedback as a gift, without judgment or defensiveness.
Be accessible, authentic, and dependable.
Build trust.
View mistakes and failures as learning opportunities; discuss openly.
Encourage at all levels.
Provide learning events that focus on trust building and team development.
Cultivate a safe, collaborative environment.
Be transparent when making decisions.
Be sure people know their role and what a good job looks like.
Share responsibility and power among all levels.
Develop common goals and strategies and clear areas of responsibility.
Give people freedom and space to experiment and innovate.
The HEAD Domain of Collaboration
Involve Others in Crafting a Clear Purpose, Values, and Goals
Be a role model.
A clear, shared purpose galvanizes action; values guide behavior; and goals focus energy.The project leader must ensure vision and direction are clear.
Get feedback from everyone when crafting the purpose statement, operating values, and strategic goals for the project.
Demonstrate a commitment to the greater good.
Focus on continual improvement and, ultimately, team success.
Have accountability standards for yourself and others.
Show your colleagues what values look like as behaviors.
Align your project’s purpose and values to those of the team/community.
Assure that the goals and strategies put into practice drive your purpose.
Rank values in order of importance.
Check every decision you and the project team make against stated values
Project team should define what collaboration means for this project: use collaborative language and commit to collaborative practices.
Create a charter for every project.
Make sure everyone is clear on purpose, goals, roles, and the metrics for which they will be held accountable.
In times of difficulty, refer to the charter agreements for guidance.
Together with the project group, periodically review the charter to keep it top of mind and ensure it is relevant to the needs of the project.
Use the charter as a vehicle for onboarding new people.
The HANDS Domain of Collaboration
Talk Openly
Be a role model.
Listen to understand.
Share all relevant information.
Give constructive feedback and be open to feedback from others.
Encourage spontaneous interaction.
Seek information and ask questions.
Have an open door policy.
Encourage candor with respect.
Promote sharing and learning.
Encourage networking among all teams and at all levels.
Create opportunities for cross functional teaming on projects.
Take time to evaluate meetings to maximize effective communication.
Train your people in communication skills and team development.
Empower Yourself and Others
Be a role model.
Share your knowledge and experience.
Network with others across the initiative.
Speak up in meetings.
Be a continual learner.
Empower each other.
Encourage mutual learning.
Build trust and reciprocity through sharing and networking.
Make sure you and your colleagues have competence and clarity on tasks and goals.
Involve other teams in idea generation sessions and decision making.
Create formal and informal sharing opportunities