Christian Attributes
God has shown all Christians, "What is Good and What He requires of us ( Micah 6:8 ):
1. To walk justly, act justly, be just, see that justice is done, and always be fair.
2. To love people, diligently embrace and practice kindness with compassion. To embrace faithful love, loving goodness, and always having mercy as your first concern.
3. To walk humbly with God, humbly obeying Him. Setting aside any overblown sense of self-importance or self-righteousness. Walking in purity with your God, living humbly, in fellowship with God and others. Living obediently before God, and walking lowly before Him.
Specific Qualities God expects for those in Christian Leadership, in addition to those outlined in Micah 6:8 :
1. SHEPHERDING: watching over, looking after, loving and caring-for those to whom the Lord has entrusted to your care. Never seeking the benefits which might be associated with your Position.
2. SACRIFICIAL: giving of oneself for the well-being of those you serve. Rejecting all human inclinations toward Power.
3. SELFLESSNESS: helping others with a genuine love for all humanity. Never wanting or accepting Prestige.
4. SERVING: being a good steward of the grace God has given, by reaching out to the needs of others. Refusing to stand out with any manifestation of Prominence.
5. SINCERITY: being a Godly model of respect, integrity, and dignity. Assuring one never operates out of Pride.